> RecentChanges

Version as of 2005-01-05 09:21:25

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This page contains a list of recent changes in this wiki of 217 pages (more system information on SystemInfo). For changes on other wikis, see [OpenWiki]WikiSites/Aggregation.
La moderazione piu' l'elettricita' non fanno il comunismo.(dr)


01:00 Info MauRec [1-5]
[DIFF] 09:16 Info EnricoWikiC Segnalazione della sospensione del servizio X-Privat Free
[DIFF] 15:09 Info host30-250-dynamic Aggiunto news.unina.it, ad opera di OnTheWave
[DIFF] 10:27 Info fgdede0100i0
[DIFF] 20:31 Info EnricoWikiC [1]
host213-132-dynamic [2]
EnricoWikiC [3]
#03 Modifiche minori e avvertenze sul quoting eccessivamente striminzito
[DIFF] 01:00 Info c-24-128-66-188 You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it.
[DIFF] 17:15 Info MaMo aggiornato address
[DIFF] 17:00 Info MaMo Revert to version dated 2007-03-04 21:47:56.
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