Related Topics
- Contributions
- Extension guidelines
- CVS structure
- Tour of the most important modules
- Creating a release
Collect existing info from the MoinMoin wiki pages
Explain extension / plugin concept
Start at defining somewhat official APIs (but not before we changed everything to accesses via request)
Show how to best create URLs (Page.link_to etc.)
How to use I18N features
1. Contributions
The distribution contains a "contributions" directory for 3rd party extensions that are not made part of the official distribution. This directory contains extensions contributed by MoinMoin users and that are considered either too exotic or need too much work to be integrated into the core sources. Another reason of not adding them is that modules in the core have to be maintained when structural changes happen, which is a constant burden.
Thus, these sources are here for you to try them out and take advantage of a feature someone found useful enough to write code for, but you cannot expect that they always work with the current distribution. Contributors are encouraged to send updates...
2. Extension guidelines
These are the rules that govern MoinMoin development:-
All extensions to or modifications of the original
WikiMarkup should be kept compatible and in the spirit of the
OriginalWiki. Example:
text shows up literally, i.e. no information is lost when cut&pasting to another Wiki.
Be portable at all times, at the very least to Win32 and Unix.
Keep the simple nature of page storage, if there are performance issues, add transparent caching / indexing.
3. CVS structure
For historical reasons, the virtual CVS module "moin" combines the "dist" and the "MoinMoin" module; "moin" is the only module you should check out.
4. Tour of the most important modules
- wikiaction.py
HelpOnActions lists all the querystrings that are handled by this module.
5. Creating a release
This describes how to create a release tarball for MoinMoin. It's of minor interest to anyone except JürgenHermann.
Commit any pending code changes.
Commit the current status of the MoinMoin wiki (especially the help pages).
make install-docs
Validate the CHANGES file (insert current date and new version number).
Tag the repository:
cvs tag rel-MAJOR-MINOR
Create an export directory:
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.moin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moin export -r HEAD moin cd moin python setup.py sdist
Upload the tarball (or zip):
Follow the forms
See also
Making File Releases
Download from
SourceForge and give it a test run.